Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Future of Forensics

EPSRC Crime Prevention and Detection Technologies Event:Forensic Science
Improved fingerprint recovery from metals such as gun cartridges and bomb fragments
Using the chemistry of colour to identify chemical and biological weapons
Portable DNA profiling techniques that could be used at the scene of a crime
More accurate ways of ascertaining the age at death of victims of crime
Latest developments in scanning and sensing technology that are improving the detection of drugs and explosives at security check points
These are just some of the current research areas being supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. This event will focus on the contribution that EPSRC-funded science and engineering is making to the development of forensic science.

1 comment:

  1. I think forensics is mainly used in solving crimes. Since computers have been a huge part of our lives, forensics has been mainly depended on computers. Computers have revolutionized the forensics because without computers it would be impossible to match the results. Finger prints is a vital piece of information for any investigation. It has been used for long time. A fingerprint technology is being used to solve mysteries and find killer. Fingerprint technology will never go away because it is the easiest to find and toughest evidence in the courtroom. The forensics is a huge part of criminal justice. Mobile forensics has been a huge upgrade from computers. Now everything can be done by your phone with proper applications. The new Iphone from apple have a unique heat sensing technology, which only works with your finger. It doesn't work with a pen, pencil, and paper napkins. So the new technologies have improved in a huge way for our pleasure. Even laptops have a finger print scanners. Future forensics technology will be a huge upgrade from today’s technology. I can't wait for the next invention in this field.
