Tuesday, August 4, 2009

XBox Forensics

A forensics toolkit for the Xbox gaming console is described by US researchers in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. The toolkit could allow law enforcement agencies to scour the inbuilt hard disk of such devices and find illicit hidden materials easily.

Criminals often hide illicit data on the XBox in the hope that a gaming console will not be seen as a likely evidence target especially when conventional personal computers are present in the same premises, for instance. The toolkit developed by Collins will allow police and other investigators the chance to lay bare the contents of XBox hard disks.

Cell phones, smart phones, PDAs, game consoles and other devices provide a convenient means to store data of all kinds, including images, video, audio and text files. But they also provide a simple way for criminals to possess and hide illegal material too

Inderscience Publishers. "XBox Forensics." ScienceDaily 1 May 2009. 4 August 2009 .


  1. I am extremely impressed by this article. As crazy and wild as our society gets, the police keep on top of all of the psychotic ideas and theories of criminal minds. It's comforting to know that our safety and wellbeing is in their best interest. Will all of the technology available to the public, there are more and more sources available for "shady" activity and/ or storage. It's scary to think what else is out there for criminals to get their hands on.

  2. Wow it’s really crazy that people would think to hide stuff in Xbox. It is also very smart of the cops to know about all of this and to be able to catch these criminals and arrest them. It makes me really scared to see what criminals will do in the future to get away with their crimes if they are using XBOX now, I can only imagine what they will do in years to come.

  3. It would be pretty funny to see a SWAT team raid a home in order to confiscate the xbox. I don't know what kind of data criminals would be hiding but if it's illegal then they can't hide it there anymore. Glad to see the police on top of the technology game.

  4. It’s amazing what they will come up with. It is hard to believe people will go that far as to hide illegal data in a game device. This just goes to show law enforcement is keeping up with the criminals. I guess it makes sense since most game devices are used not just for playing on a TV but for watching videos and playing “online” with other players. This would also help illegal data from being transferred from one person to another.

  5. I guess it just goes to show you that crime doesn't pay. No matter where people try to hide their illegal activities, the police will find it. I can just see some of the headlines now..."FBI Busts Terrorist Ring With the Help of an Xbox 360". Since many different kinds of data can be hidden on the Xbox, then all types of criminals may be using them for such purposes. Bank schematics, criminal transactions, blackmail photos, and more could feasibly be stored on the 360 harddrive. I always find it interesting how criminals and crime fighters struggle to outthink the other in a giant game of cat and mouse.

  6. As more and more devices become technologically advanced, so do their parts. This allowing more functions to the device, such as, memory storage or photographs, video and text files. A day when a game console was just simply that are gone. Just about any game console can be turned into some kind of computer-like device. Giving criminals an unsuspected place to store illegal data, whether top secret documents, illegally downloaded material or child pornography. This toolkit will give law fighting officers a way to crack down on these crimes.
