Dr. Alec Jeffreys is holding a copy of the first DNA fingerprint profile. In 1985, Jeffrey introduced the idea of the DNA fingerprint while studying the myoglobin gene. He revealed that nucleotides were repeated several times in a specific order. His study also showed that these nucleotides varied from an individual to individual and could be identified using restriction enzymes and the technique was known as Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP). Within six months of Jeffreys discovery, genetic fingerprinting was used in a case to prove a Ghanaian boy was his parents' son.
more infromation on this article go to: http://www.expresshealthcaremgmt.com/20031115/technology01.shtml
I am more amazed every time I watch CSI. The things they come up with on how to track everything about a person and where they were and how they did it is incredible. But the fingerprint gets them every time. Just by simply touching an object, your traces are left on there. Government databases are filled with information on people's fingerprints. Just a simple sample of ones print is all that is needed to scan the database and find a match.